Part: V5 Double PTFE Clamp.STL

Compatible with: 

Leapfrog Bolt PRO


When printing from an external filament spool holder, it might be the case that you are running three PTFE tubes into the Bolt PRO. This double PTFE clamp can be used to connect a non-used PTFE tube to a PTFE tube that is attached to a printhead. This will prevent PTFE tubes from dangling uncontrolled inside your printer and possible causing errors with your print process. 


We recommend printing these PTFE Clamps in a material that can withstand temperatures higher then 100℃. ABS for example.

We recommend using at least three of these PTFE Clamps per extra filament tube. 

The manual attached explains how to properly install the Polybox on your Leapfrog Bolt PRO. The Polybox is a 3rd party filament box that is used for keeping filaments in a low moisture environment. This manual will also explain how to install the PTFE Clamp. Please note that the Polybox is only used as an example. The instructions may also be applicable for other 3rd party filament box solutions.

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