Version / date: 4.9.1 - 2021-06-24
This solution article will explain you how to set the most common parameters for the Leapfrog Bolt (PRO).
In case your machine is configured as standard with 0.4mm hot-ends, you can simply add the " Leapfrog / Leapfrog Bolt PRO".
When your machine is equipped with different hardware, such as different nozzle sizes, you can follow the steps below:
Step 1.
Choose "Add printer"
settings / printer / Add printer
Step 2.
Select the "Add a non-networked printer" and choose Custom / Custom FFF printer
Step 3. Machine settings - Printer
Step 4. Machine settings - Extruder 1 (Right extruder)
Step 5. Machine settings - Extruder 2 (Left extruder)